Figuring Out

“I’m already 21 but I’m still figuring out the things I really want to do”. I’ve graduated frm a well-known university in our province. I’m an achiever but right now it seems like I don’t know in what kind of path I am in at this point. Well I’ve got my first job as a technical support representive in a BPO company but after 2 months I’ve resigned because it was tiring, Im fed up and unhealthy  for me.

Am I a quitter? Honestly, yes because I can’t endure a simple pain and I know that it’s actually a xo-xo habit. And so now, I AM FREE, welcoming myself to the world of unemployment. It’s been one month, haven’t  got a job yet. I really want to do something. I badly need too, because I might get stuck in this comfortable place I live. I want to explore, learn and try new things but I am quite afraid.

I am afraid of rejection, it cuts deep in my skin. And it’s been a while that I have this question in my head after watching a movie “Why do people hurt others?”.

Can you answer me?fb_img_1444119739686

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